Saturday, June 23, 2012

No oven Lasagna

Today I made this delicious "no oven lasagna". One just has to boil the pasta-made layers and introduce cheese with tomato sauce between them. I also recommend introducing some zuccini with herbs and spices. Yummy yum yum!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

La Isla del Tesoro

La Isla del Tesoro is a vegetarian restaurant in the center of Madrid. Lonely Planets says it is one of the best ones in Madrid. The decoration is certainly fantastic and the different courses have a lot of flavour. Think it's best to there for lunch during the weekdays because they have economic menus. If one orders from the menu, it is a little expensive.

Y took me here, she is such a sweet girl. We had a rough time deciding what to eat, everthing that we read sounded irresistable. It was hard to make up our minds.

I ordered a goat cheese salad with red onions, tomatoes and daits. Y got "Panchamama", it was like a potatoe cake with many vegetables.

And then of course, we could resist to having something for dessert like... "El gocho de chocolate".

Thank you so much Y, I'm going to miss you!!! I whish you all the best on your new job and I hope I can visit you in NYC sometime soon.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Oreo Cake

 Yesterday I made this delicious oreo ice cream cake :) I found the recipe on "Taste of America", a shop that offers american products overseas.

Here is the procedure:

For the base:
- 24 oreo cookies.
- 6 spoons of butter or margarine (melted).

One mixes the cookie crumbs and butter into the mold. Put in the freezer while you do the rest.

For the cream:
- 200 grams cream cheese.
- 1/2 cup sugar.
- 1/4 cup water.
- 3/4 cup milk.
- 1 paquet of gelatine (powder).
- 1/4 cup cold water.
- 1 cup whipped cream.
- 12 broken oreo cookies.
- My personal addition: greek yogurt (mix at the end with the refrigerated mix)

Mix cream cheese with sugar. Mix glatine with water and mix in a glass and mix with the cream cheese and sugar. Add milk little by little while stirring the mix. Keep in refrigerator.
In another bowl "whipp" the whipped cream (I'm not sure how to explain this correctly in English). Mix the whipped cream with the refrigerated mix.
Pour half of the cream in the mold, add the oreo cookies al around and pour the rest of the cream.
Leave one hour in the freezer.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Christmas is a time to eat with family and friends, so why not make it healthy? J and I went to yerbabuena today. It is a nice restaurant in the heart of Madrid. It is a little small but the waiters are very very nice. The inside is relaxed, clean and comfortable.

We had a try it all menu. Seriously, I had to take a doggy bag. For starters we got some hummus, beet juice, pinapple and coconut juice with poppy seads, salmorejo and a small salad with vegan shrimps (truly amazing!).

Salmorejo & Shrimp Salad
 To follow up, some nachos with cheese, guacamole and some spicy tomato sauce. We were certainly full after this one.

Nachos with cheese

And then, our main dish. J got a vegetable cake with blue chese with some  more veggies on the side and I got some vegetable crepes with nuts, flaxsead, spices and with some veggies as a side too.

Veggie Crepes
 It may not look so big, but believe me... it got me full half way through it. J felt the same with his. I think we can't call ourselves cookie monsters anymore.
Veggie cake (it is under all the white)
Last but not least, desert. Cake or yogurt. Oh! I always have a sweet tooth so I chose an apple cake while J got some Kefir with honey.

Apple cake with some yogur and cornflakes.
Light and filled with cinammon. I absolutely loved it :) And the presentation? Fabolous! I have to admit that J's Kefir was much better than I expected. I'm not so much into Kefir because it is too acid for me.

Kefir with a honey heart ;)
So, is anyone's mouth not yet watering? ;)