Friday, September 9, 2011

Viva la vida!

Viva la Vida is a buffet & take a way restaurant. There are two restaurants in Madrid, one is located in Huertas and the other in La Latina.

I visited  "Viva la vida" in Huertas. It is a small buffet, but with a wide variety of choices. The store also has a small bio-market with soy yogurts, bio yogurts, breads, cookies and tofu and other veggie goddies.

The buffet has both cold and warm entrées. I visited it on Wednesday. The dishes I tried:
- Corn, lombard, chickpeas and carrots salad.
- Papaya, mango and green beans salad.
- Falafel.
- Rice and oat "meatball".
- Carrot and peanut "meatball".
- Apple and onion pie.
- Filled zucchini.
- Veggie-canelloni.
- Polenta pizza.
- Polenta tortilla.
- Tahini and eggplant pie.

On one hand, the best day to go is during weekdays for lunch. There is a menu for 500 g + drink for 10 euros. A dessert buffet is also found there, which includes carrot cake (so good!), brownie, chocolate chips or oat cookies, muffins...

On the other hand, there isn't a comfortable place to seat in Huertas Viva la Vida. There are two seats inside the buffet and another two outside. The Viva la Vida in La Latina has large lounge, but I haven't visited it yet (... coming up!).

However, the decoration of Viva la Vida is unique. It's colorful, green and filled with plants.

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