Sunday, January 29, 2012

Oreo Cake

 Yesterday I made this delicious oreo ice cream cake :) I found the recipe on "Taste of America", a shop that offers american products overseas.

Here is the procedure:

For the base:
- 24 oreo cookies.
- 6 spoons of butter or margarine (melted).

One mixes the cookie crumbs and butter into the mold. Put in the freezer while you do the rest.

For the cream:
- 200 grams cream cheese.
- 1/2 cup sugar.
- 1/4 cup water.
- 3/4 cup milk.
- 1 paquet of gelatine (powder).
- 1/4 cup cold water.
- 1 cup whipped cream.
- 12 broken oreo cookies.
- My personal addition: greek yogurt (mix at the end with the refrigerated mix)

Mix cream cheese with sugar. Mix glatine with water and mix in a glass and mix with the cream cheese and sugar. Add milk little by little while stirring the mix. Keep in refrigerator.
In another bowl "whipp" the whipped cream (I'm not sure how to explain this correctly in English). Mix the whipped cream with the refrigerated mix.
Pour half of the cream in the mold, add the oreo cookies al around and pour the rest of the cream.
Leave one hour in the freezer.

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